Executed at Dawn

Private, Charles Francis McCol, 11/81, 1/4th Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment, was executed for desertion, aged 26. He was the son of Annie McCol, of 6 Bramhan Avenue, Woodhouse Street, Hull. McCol had given up a reserved occupation to enlist in the 11th EYR in September, 1914. He had served in Egypt from November 1915, and … Read more


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Hull was a very different city at the time of the first word war and streets have changed.  In fact, many have disappeared. The maps displayed on the website use Google mapping to locate individuals according to the data we have.  The geocoding of everyone is not 100% accurate.  If you want to create a … Read more

Special Constables

Unique to Hull was the creation of a voluntary Special Constabulary. Comprised of mature men over military age and drawn from all classes of Society, it raised over 3,000 Special Constables during the First World War and released large numbers of men for active service. Under the Command of Captain George Morley, the Chief Constable … Read more


Hull’s contribution during the First World War is often underestimated. As a North Eastern, coastal City with a population of approximately 300,000, Hull citizens served extensively across all branches of the British Army, Royal Navy, Merchant Navy, Royal Air Force, and the Home Defence. They also died serving Commonwealth nations such as Canada, Australia and … Read more